
Sunday 29 March 2015


Its a well known fact that bengal cats are energetic. They need entertaining and engagement to tire them out and to keep them happy. They arent naturally lap cats so anyone thinking of getting one as a pretty cat that will sit about and make the house look good is in for a big shock!

When a bengal cat is bored you will know about it, that is for sure! Our cats can become very destructive if they arent getting the attention they need. Luckily for us I am about during the day to provide entertainement for them and the children help by playing games with them all. 

Yesterday, however, I had been touching up the paint work in our living room and hadnt had the time during the day to spend with them and yes, they made me pay for it. Heizi and Celestia decided to help me with the painting. Celestia was trying to pounce on the paint brush as I was carefully trying to paint the skirting board. Heizi decided to stick his paws into the paint and then walk around the room leaving lovely artistic footprints everywhere. 

We keep all the cats in the kitchen and dinning area at night. This helps keep them out of the bedrooms so that we can all get a decent nights sleep.

These are just some of our bengal's latest victims. The blinds are a real favourite target for destruction. The broken plates that were pushed out the cupboard from the inside by Heizi after he climbed inside. The kitchen roll that they decided to use as a scratch post.

'Kitten hood' is not always something that a bengal will grow out of. It can continue their whole lives so anyone taking on a bengal should be aware of the fact they might never calm down like other breeds of cats do when they reach a certain age.

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